Kansas Space Grant Consortium 

The Kansas Space Grant Consortium (KSGC) is managed through the NASA in Kansas office and consists of seven academic affiliates and two museum affiliates. Following the Consortium Vision Statement, KSGC programs work towards Kansas being known as a leader in fundamental science and engineering education and preparing individuals for STEM-based careers in fields including aerospace, the biosciences, energy, and other technology developments. 

KSGC and affiliate members engage in a unique mix of projects that impact students, university faculty, educators, and the general public in a positive, lasting, and synergistic manner. KSGC projects fall into four categories; Mission Directorate projects and internships, fellowships, and scholarships in Kansas, which are based at KSGC affiliate institutions, and two state-wide programs, the Teacher Workshop Program and NASA Internship Program which are solicited state-wide. 

Affiliate-centered projects vary across the state; each affiliate annually submits proposed projects to the KSGC Central Office and includes key outcomes, goals, and evaluation methods. This flexibility allows for each KSGC affiliate to create projects directly compatible with their institution’s areas of strength while aligning with NASA Mission Directorates and Kansas goals. Through these statewide and affiliate-centered projects, KSGC will contribute to improving the workforce, education system, partnerships, and public inspiration for NASA and Kansas. 
NASA Internship program


Lead Institution

Wichita State University

Dr. Linda Kliment
KSGC Academic Affiliates

Emporia State University

Dr. Asa Toombs

Fort Hays State University

Dr. Gavin Buffington

Haskell Indian Nations University

Dr. Rajneesh Verma

Kansas State University

Dr. Beth A. Montelone

Pittsburg State University

Dr. Erik Mayer

University of Kansas

Dr. Richard Hale
KSGC Museum Affiliates


Jim Remar

Exploration Place

Adam Smith
NASA in Kansas
Wichita State University
113B Wallace Hall
1845 Fairmount
Wichita, KS 67260
(316) 978-3890